Monday, June 05, 2006

Checkin in'... with myself?

"Hello Bloggers!"

(I've always wanted to type that).

Just seeing how all of you are out in internet-land. I thought of Mr. McNary today, as I saw a posting on CareerBuilder for an opening at Barkley Evergreen... for a designer with experience in letter press, specifically.

So if anyone has the skills or desire.. don't say I never did nothin' for ya.

If anyone has anything else to contribute... put it up. I'd talk more... but I feel like I'm tooting my own horn.


Friday, March 03, 2006

This is not good...

Don't really have time to speak on this, but if anybody still reads this, check it out.

STOP AOL's Email Tax

Monday, February 13, 2006

Holy Crap!

Adobe overtook Macromedia!!! Now that is a merger/aquisition I'd like to know more about.

Monday, November 14, 2005

"The font can be a serif (curly) or sans serif (non-curly) font."

How's that for web design advice?
I'm realizing I REALLY have a problem retaining information learned in school. I can't make a website to save my life. If anybody wants to show me a thing or two, I'd be indebted for a long time.

Obvioulsy, the sites I'm finding aren't really the kind of thing I'm looking for, "curly" fonts are dumb...

Monday, September 26, 2005

More networking options...

I came across this website geared towards connecting proffessionals with each other, wether for jobsearching, or for finding services you need for jobs at work, etc. It's called, you guys shoudl check it out. I sent invites to several of you, but if you want, just sign up.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005


1, 2, ... 3

Alright you MotherEffer's

I'm ready to start blogging, but what the hell is the point if none of you freaks are going to reply, or even read the damn thing?!?! Let's get some dialogue going here, I thought it was good during school, so there's no reason to ignore it in the real world... which is something I want to talk to you guys about, so let me know if you are reading this...!

Hint: click the "post comment" or "Create Post" buttons to use the blog. Those keys on your keyboards are for typing words, part of the language us humans use to communicate. Jeeze...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Last Night:

I hope you all enjoyed the good times, thanks for coming y'all. If Garrett could post (some of) the pictures he took last night, it would be cool, and maybe some people would look at the blog!!!

Peace, chicken grease,
